A Blockchain-based
Cryptocurrency & Wallet developed
for Health Care Marketplace
Client approached Prolitus with the idea of creating a healthcare ecosystem based on the Blockchain technology. Their main concern was centered around:
Fresh Blockchain Development
We developed a fresh Blockchain by forking the open source Litecoin Blockchain code. It ensures that the transactions made are immutable since all the transactions are aggrouped and commemorated in blocks,then coupled to the last block in the chain. Each transaction is verified using consensus.
It eliminates the involvement of third-party intermediaries and eradicates the possibility of unknowing customers to spend the same money more than once(double spending).
Some of the features are as follows:
CMD Base58 Encryption
The use of CMD Base58 (modified Base58 Cryptography Encryption) has enhanced thesecurity by increasing the standard encryption. It makes the application less prone to attacks.
Connectivity tool
Incorporation of connectivity tool makes the authenticity factor full-proof since it matches thesource connected with the upcoming binary of peer.
Maximum level of Debugging and Transparency
Highest level of transparency and debugging is achieved by offering the customers an opportunity to use the maximum level of ‘login’ that ranges between 0 to 5.
Blockchain Explorer for in-depth detail:
Full detail of the information related to the healthcare products such asmanufacturing, origin, expiry and the cost associated, made available to the customers via the Blockchain Explorer.
Amazon VPC and Load balancers:
The use of Amazon virtual private cloud makes the ecosystem of the application well-controlled and load balancers improves the overall responsiveness and availability by reducing the individual server load, preventing any one application server from becoming a single point of the server.
Enhance Customer Experience:
Incorporation of WalletD along with Desktop wallet facilitated the customers to easily exchange their cryptocurrencies without any restriction of place and number of users.
Easy to Mine Cryptocurrency
A large number of people can mine CMD due to its CPU and GPU minable feature.
Increased Number of Transaction
The number of transaction has increased since now the customers have more options to
pay for availing medical services.